Naukriyan is working continuously to provide a suitable workforce to its E-Governance and Corporate Clients. We can proudly say that, during the last few years, we have come across more than 95000 resumes, lined up around 15000 candidates, and got an opportunity to close more than 3500 job openings across the country.

Despite having so many job requirements in the market, and a huge crowd of educated youth, we have observed that there is a big gap in our existing Educational system and Industrial requirements.

The requirement of training on – “Job Readiness” is still not available in the system. We have analyzed that just because of lack of knowledge and right guidance, suitable candidates are also unemployed.

What is the root cause?

  • Youngsters are not able to sketch their Career plan to target the right job/career for themselves.
  • There is so much information available today that people got confused, what to choose.
  • The education system and industrial culture are way apart in terms of knowledge and skills.

What can be the Solution?

  • One has to develop capabilities to measure their aptitudes and skillsets and become aware of their expertise.
  • One has to choose the career they are passionate about rather than follow the crowd.
  • Education and Skills should develop hand in hand from the start.
  • The government is already working hard to implement Skill India programs and a few corporate houses and foundations are also contributing.
  • The universities and industries should come together to design a curriculum that is a combination of technical education and industrial exposure. 
  • To prepare efficient manpower, training on communication and inter-personal relationships should be mandatory.
  • The jobseekers should be able to recognize what value they can bring to the organization and how can they contribute to the development of the country.

How can we help?

Team Naukriyan is having expertise and experience across the Job industry, and we can certainly help Job seekers in creating a better understanding of their knowledge and skills. We are on a mission to guide and place at least 10,000 jobseekers until the year 2025.

We are looking forward to developing a better workforce and an efficient youth.

We are looking forward to developing a better workforce and an efficient youth.

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