The Internet has brought many changes in the basic behavior of our society, economy, country, and ultimately the world. One of the most important changes that it has brought up is in human resources, the traditional way of recruitment has widely changed. Internet and social media have leveraged the Job Search to a greater extent because it enables you to connect people around the world. Embrace the internet and social media, using it for personal and professional growth is necessary, otherwise, you will be left behind.

In a social media job search, you should have a focused approach.

  1. Identify available resources
  2. Make contacts
  3. Have a face to face meetings with your contacts

Popular social media channels which you could use are:

  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • YouTube

Here are some tips to use social media in a Job Search:

1. Have a social strategy for a job search.

Form a list of targeted companies and reach out to people associated with those companies. Using LinkedIn for industry-specific job search is very important. Prepare a note while reaching you to professionals across your network so that you can let them know what exactly you are looking for. Build and grow your network, establish a healthy relationship with your contacts.

2. Look for hashtags.

Generally, Twitter is used to share news and thoughts, it’s a great way to look for jobs in your current city or industry. You can search for hashtags. For example:

Industry: #hrjobs #techjobs #developerjobs #directsalesjobs #insidesalesjobs

Professional: #gradjobs #entryjobs #exejobs

General: #hiring #job #jobinterview #openings

Job search: #careers #employment

3. Facebook account could be used just like LinkedIn for a professional approach.

On Facebook, you can enter your current organization and your experience as well there is ample information about your Facebook like your current location your interest, hobbies, etc. This information can help your prospective employer to know you better.

4. Search for forums related to specific industry

Jobseeker could search for industry-specific forums and communities in social media that can help in landing a perfect job in your field. Suppose you are a content writer then you join communities and forums which are specifically into content writing.

5. Mention your skills in your social media accounts

To get a targeted employer one should mention his/her skills so that you can have a high impact on your prospective employer. Your skills help you to stand unique in a social media search.

6. Use Twitter to reach industry professionals

A jobseeker could participate in several Twitter chats that are related to your industry as well creating a Twitter list will help you identify people who are more relevant to your job search.

While purpose of each platform is different, it’s important to have a consistency and style throughout your social media channels. You should pay attention to jobs opportunities floating in social media and make yourself visible to recruiters who are consistently vetting social media for qualified people.

If you need personal guidance from Naukriyan to boost your Social Media Job Search. Reach out to us at

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