Imposter Syndrome is a condition when a person feels that they are not competent enough and don’t deserve success. You may think that everyone out there is much more qualified and efficient than you and is presenting better candidature than you. Jobseekers need to be aware of it during job interviews.

Symptoms of Imposter Syndrome?

↪ Not able to assess your performance, skills, and competence.

↪ Self-doubt and constant comparison.

↪ Not able to take credit for your success and believe that you receive it by luck or due to any external factors.

↪ Fear about your future performance.

How to avoid it?

⚡Keep reminding yourself of what you are worth.

⚡Avoid any comparison.

⚡Be proud of your achievements and success.

⚡Stop overthinking and struggling with your thoughts.

⚡Use social media for your growth.

⚡Assess your skills and expertise unbiased.

⚡Take every interview as a learning opportunity without worrying about the outcome.

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